Friday, May 9, 2014

Bus Crap

My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder

On the Bus
My thought from what I have seen on the media.
Those people being intimidated on a bus by some hooded scumbag  possibly on drugs, and this would be his excuse like many of them, if he was landed in court, and that is a cowardly excuse, I can understand to a point why no-one tried to stop him, the mentality of society today how we have all been brainwashed to think and act, you could be charged if you touch someone even by trying to protect another citizen, bring back the good old days, all the Laws have now backfired on society, who do they protect, (the Criminal) the do-gooders and bleeding hearts are to blame, over protection for the perpetrator.

My belief is they should be whipped, order them to twenty lashes, but only give them five and if they commit another offence they get 15 more lashes, what is needed is to deter them from committing a crime in the first place.

Australians should not have to put up with this shit, we should be able to go about our normal lives without being intimidated by thugs, with the excuse they were on drugs, If they commit a crime and they say they were on drugs the sentence should be double.

Let’s get this country back on a track, so the rest of the world see Australia as a safe country, they should not be deterred from coming here, because of thugs on our streets, they should see us as nice friendly people and a safe place to visit.
Example: Thailand people show themselves as friendly and hospitable, they invite you to sit with them, they smile and show a friendly face, unlike Australians, when I go to the coffee shop and see people sitting at other tables  only chatting with those they are sitting with, never interacting with people on other tables and seldom give a smile or look around they never say hello or greet you.
 I will sometimes start a conversation just to get their reaction, I’m a bit cheeky, but also on guard not to say the wrong thing, I might be sued, ha ha that’s life in Australia today, I find the friendly ones are Tourist, from the ships that come to Fremantle, but I'm always the one to break the ice.

 I could be sitting at a table by myself with three empty chairs but no one would share the table even though I have offered, I believe my looks are ok, and my clothes are clean and casual, maybe it’s my age, that’s another plus for Thailand age does not matter. 
Today I see Australia as becoming an unfriendly country, we are living on a reputation from the past, the good old days when you knew you’re neighbor, but we will lose that in the eyes of the world by continue on this path of destruction.
Immigration has bought a lot of good to Australia but it has also bought a lot of shit, and women with black hoods, I prefer it as it was when I was a young man.   

 The Backpackers say Australia is the most expensive country they have visited.    

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