My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder
Creating JOBS should be on the Governments
list of priorities, to get Australia budget out of the red,
but that would be too hard a task.
The problem
is with adding an extra cost to every Commodity and reducing the income and living
standards of every Citizen will create a DOMINO effect and what-ever cost they
add on will increase substantially.
What we need
is a Population increase, not through bring people here to live, that would
only be an extra burden on existing Australians, increase the population through Tourism,
tourist will bring money to Australia. But they won’t come here if the cost of
living is too expensive, Tourism would benefit our industries and small
businesses, Restaurants, Hotels, Tourism, and it will have a flow on effect, I
can-not think of a business that would not benefit.
The Federal
Government is going to strangle Australia, what we need is People Power, its
only People who are going to get us out of the Mess Governments got us into, but
not through taxing and, increasing the
cost of living and making the Australian Citizen’s lives even harder.
Why do they
do everything ass about, It is only Governments that have put us into the mess
we are in, but it always falls back onto those who have the least.
Get stuck
into the very wealthy and reduce their income and bank accounts first then
think about hitting the pockets of the average Citizen. Pensioners are not to blame,
we have paid taxes all our lives to finally get a well-earned miserable pension (rewards)
for all the work we have done.
Government Ministers get a fat payout when they
retire after a few years, and a healthy Super, with privilege’s lurks and perks,
the average Citizen could not imagine, and they don’t have to wait till they
are 65 to get there Pension.
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