Friday, May 9, 2014

Colin Barnetts Budget

My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder

Colin Barnet you have just put the last nail in your coffin so to speak, you are just about to price yourself out of a job, you sitting up there on your high horse blundering your way through parliament, I see you as the worst Premier West Australians have ever had to endure.
By increasing the burden on the average Citizen by slugging them for essential services, such as Electricity, Gas, and Water, this will have a flow on effect as it will be passed on by industry and it will hurt the poorest citizens more than it will hurt you on your fat income, and your wealthy friends.

I don’t think you understand the people you suppose-to represent. Your spending splurge is not for the poor but for the wealthy.

I have been a Liberal Voter all my life but you have changed my beliefs on Politics, personally I can-not stand your body language and I turn the TV to another channel every time I see you, I did the same with Julia Gillard.

I’m sorry it has to be this way, as I would rather see life as a pleasure rather than a burden, but that is all Governments do, impose a burden on the Poor. Why don’t they dig into the pockets of the Wealthy?

This might solve your problems, as nothing will change your thinking.

Increase the Electricity, Gas, and Water to those who use it the most who can afford to pay more, like yourself.

The Pensioners, the sick, and the unemployed and those on the poverty line already, don’t impose higher charges on them, so as to help your friends in large Companies.

Don’t crucify those on a low income who live on the poverty line, the people who are already finding it difficult to pay the increased cost you have already imposed on them previously.

Did you know some people can only afford one TV unlike yourself, some people can only afford to spend five minutes under the shower, unlike yourself, and those who only have a small unit one bed room unit and don’t leave the lights on because they can’t afford what they are already paying, unlike yourself, then there are larger Families who have 2-3-4 kids and are already finding it difficult to survive on the income they receive, unlike yourself. 

So think about it Mate, have another thought about where the money should come from to support your ego, get the money from your wealthy friends, and those who never have to think if they can afford to have meal out. Otherwise educate those on the poverty line as to how they can make the miserable money they receive go further.
 The Pension might sound like a lot after rent but $680, 00 a fortnight to live on, the bulk of that goes to the big Supermarkets. not much left over for a night out.  

On an ending note see the editorial on this blog:

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