Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Muslims want to take over the world

My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder

Muslims want to take over the world,

This Video gives you a good insight into what Muslims are all about,

Muslims as I see and understand them, well that is a stupid statement, can anyone understand them, I don’t think they understand themselves.
The Muslim men go into a Mosque and sit on the floor and bash their heads on the floor, so what do you think that would do to them, it makes them brain dead.
They don’t have an education all they do is read the Koran, and their wives denied an education walk behind them in black Clokes "abaya's", so they are limited to reality the real world doesn’t exist for them, and Christianity is a threat, they can’t handle it so they hate us.

They hate to see us live in a society of pleasure, because they are brainwashed into believe it is evil, so how can they ever be Australians, to become an Australian should not just be signing a paper because you have been here for x amount of years saying you are now Australian, it should be a binding agreement with strict rules.

So those of you who are now living here in Australia, have some compassion for what we are all about, and enjoy this great Country don't come here and try to destroy us and our free way of life, some Australians ( the stupid ones ) have opened our doors to you so at least have respect for us, or fuck off. to that shit country you came from.

So how can this situation change, the evil Muslims are using the Karan to spread their evil, the problem is Muslims them-selves, the good ones don’t stand up against those using the Koran to spread evil, because they are too dumb or they don’t have the guts. Or maybe they are all quietly condoning the behavior of those who hate Christians, originally they came from the desert, so how would you expect them to know any better, it’s only the younger generation in Western countries who might change in the future if there father will let them, but that might not happen as Australian Government is letting them have their own Muslim schools to brainwash the kids, how do we know what is being taught to them right under our nose.

A big problem is those few stupid Australians who don’t know any better condemning anyone who speaks up against the Muslims they are causing us to hate them, the media are too scared to say it as it is in case they offend the Muslims, Muslims are using this to better their own cause and use it against us, we have to start making the rules, and make them abide to the Australian way of life as all other nationals have, integrate or piss off we don’t want you, the majority of Immigrants being mostly Christens come here to live as Australians and integrate to the Australian way of life they are welcome, practice what religion you want but don’t tell us how to live, don’t let Muslims come here and dictate the terms, they will change our way of life if we let them and turn Australia into sharia law.

We have to change the Immigration Laws to be able to send any immigrant  back to where they come from if they ever do anything against this country or its people. All new Immigrants should have to sign a declaration stating this. And this should be mandatory, take it back 20 years, and get rid of some of the evil bastards who hate us.

You must watch this video, Please pass it on tell your friends this is what you have to look forward to.

Click on the link below   or Copy and past this into your URL: 

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