Sunday, April 13, 2014

Leave our Pensioners alone

My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder

Colloidal Silver

Firstly the Government should look in their own back yard.
they should take cuts and reduce their Pensions, when they leave Government, they receive thousands of dollars, and they don't have to wait until they reach 65 to get a Pension. Its easy for them to play with others Pension's.

Pensioners give them a fair go a suggestion on how you could better help Aged Pensioners.
I believe the governments could better help Pensioners by scrapping some of the means test, give the Pensioners a chance to help them selves, without making them a victim of there unfortunate circumstances.
Would it not be better if Pensioners could help them selves by allowing them to do a little work for the community for whatever money they can earn, over and above there Pension, without being victimized by deducting money from there miserable Pensions.

I believe the Pension should be looked on as a payback for paying taxes all their lives, and not as if the Governments are giving them  some kind of handout.

If the Government would look at this with an open mind it would solve a lot of problems for Pensioners, for example if they were allowed to do jobs such as a handy-man or house keeping for working families for a negotiable amount of money, this would help both parties, those small business’s owners, or there employees who are working all day then have to come home and start work, cleaning, cooking, and taking care of there children. 

For example in Singapore families running a small Business can employ a full time Malay housekeepers who live in the home, cleaning and cooking all day or at there own leisure, it works very well, thousands of Malay’s commute over the Border with special passes, this has contributed to Singapore Prosperity in the last 30 years.

With the high cost of living, allowing Pensioner's to supplement his her Pension, the extra money would make there lives better, have a Holiday, or  spend it on the kids, or some other activity they can not usually afford, they would also feel better about them selves, by mixing with the Community, this would give them a feeling of Worth, without being victimized.
This would also ease the Governments commitment.

What all Governments do is Employ thousands of people to check Pensioners Incomes, give Pensioners a go, and leave them alone, they don’t cause much harm to the community they could be a Positive force in our Community, they have a lot of Knowledge from past experience, and why should they have to pass on this well earn't knowledge for nothing only as Volunteers.

OK Joe Hockey, what about you Pollies having to stay in Government until you are 70 befor you get a Pension, don't be a hypocrite,  you have double standard's.

Better still the Government should create Income, Increase Tourism, this way more people would be employed, and Tourist would bring money to Australia and it would also create jobs for many industries and small Business. more turnover would create more jobs and more money for all.

Let those Pensioners who have money invest in a second Home without capital gains tax, also incorporate it into their Superfund, it would create an extra income as well as create more homes, as there is a Housing shortage in Australia.   

Its new Ideas that Governments need, they should think outside the box.


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