My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder
This morning listening to Bill Shorten, give a speech then answering Questions, His speech was very calculated and a lot of thought was entered into it. I saw it as making amends , to all the damage they did when they were in government. I thought his speech was quite good.
Then after his speech with questions and answers he destroyed himself.
Politicians don’t understand they are so hell bent on negativity, condemning the opposition rather than give an alternative or Positive solution.
Whenever a question was aimed at him by Reporters, about his policies he blatantly answered with a negative, blaming Tony Abbott or the Liberal Party, he could not answer in a positive way as to what Labour would do, he had very little alternatives, he forgets the Labour Party was rejected by the People over their policies and the Carbon tax, and they left Australians with a massive Deficit. Considering their term of six years in Government they started with a massive surplus.
Bill Shorten is still hanging onto the carbon tax even though it is hurting the average Australian. He just doesn’t get it.
His speech was hell bent on ridiculing the Government over their policies and decisions; he could not say what he would do to get this country out of the mess they left the Liberals with.
Then listening to Politicians, question time in Parliament, they are like a lot of chickens; you would not believe they are responsible People running this country. They had nothing constructive to get this country back on track. Bill Shorten was the ring leader for his Party instituting negativity.
As I see it Liberals were trying to get on with the job and Labour Politicians were heckling all the speeches made by the Liberals. A LOT OF BULLSHIT. Why don’t they all get on with the job, firstly give the Pensioners a fair go and help them, by reducing the cost of living. Do something constructive.
This morning listening to Bill Shorten, give a speech then answering Questions, His speech was very calculated and a lot of thought was entered into it. I saw it as making amends , to all the damage they did when they were in government. I thought his speech was quite good.
Then after his speech with questions and answers he destroyed himself.
Politicians don’t understand they are so hell bent on negativity, condemning the opposition rather than give an alternative or Positive solution.
Whenever a question was aimed at him by Reporters, about his policies he blatantly answered with a negative, blaming Tony Abbott or the Liberal Party, he could not answer in a positive way as to what Labour would do, he had very little alternatives, he forgets the Labour Party was rejected by the People over their policies and the Carbon tax, and they left Australians with a massive Deficit. Considering their term of six years in Government they started with a massive surplus.
Bill Shorten is still hanging onto the carbon tax even though it is hurting the average Australian. He just doesn’t get it.
His speech was hell bent on ridiculing the Government over their policies and decisions; he could not say what he would do to get this country out of the mess they left the Liberals with.
Then listening to Politicians, question time in Parliament, they are like a lot of chickens; you would not believe they are responsible People running this country. They had nothing constructive to get this country back on track. Bill Shorten was the ring leader for his Party instituting negativity.
As I see it Liberals were trying to get on with the job and Labour Politicians were heckling all the speeches made by the Liberals. A LOT OF BULLSHIT. Why don’t they all get on with the job, firstly give the Pensioners a fair go and help them, by reducing the cost of living. Do something constructive.
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