My blogs are to expose and inform to tell as it is, mostly about activities Downunder
Gays and Lesbians
Same Sex Marriage
Madi gra
Christians are being left behind, the Media don’t talk about Christianity, I believe that would go against being a Gay and lesbian sick minds, the Media are probably all Gay and Lesbians, but what they do love is when someone gets murdered or some gory event, road accident, plane crash, or Politicians abusing each other, and they overlook the fact Muslims are taking over the world.
Politician's are in a box, what they do best is control, they are out of touch with the people, they need to change their thinking, they are so hell bent on jobs, keeping Industry going to save jobs, but it is the people who work in those Industries who should work to keep the Industry going, it should not be the roll of a Government to bail them out, the workers are demanding too much, they are hell bent on higher wages, all that does is push up the cost of living for all, they have shit in their own nest, they have been demanding too much, I call it GREED, also the CEO’s they are too greedy, we all need to see it as it is, when we have good times it will not last, and we all need to sacrifice a little, build a nation that can sustain the bad times, we can do this by not overspending in the good times and save what you can for the bad times.
The Minimum wage should never go below the poverty line, but with the high cost of living because of a few greed people it is well below the poverty line. And they suffer because of greedy people pushing for higher wages. If those employed created more turnover and did a fair days work instead of bludging on your fellow Citizens, Australia would be a healthier Country. Employers should be able to sack those who bludgers on their fellow workers, we are breading a BLUDGER SOCIETY. Yes there are a lot of good hard working people propping up the bludgers.
Australia was built on hard working People who built the land, then City people came along and destroyed it. Destroyed a way of life. It is all about City People, I suggest they get out to the Country and see how life should be, City's are made up of Politician's, Bleeding hearts, Slums, Rats, Poverty and Media, Lawyers and other nice people.
Gays and Lesbians
Same Sex Marriage
Madi gra
Christians are being left behind, the Media don’t talk about Christianity, I believe that would go against being a Gay and lesbian sick minds, the Media are probably all Gay and Lesbians, but what they do love is when someone gets murdered or some gory event, road accident, plane crash, or Politicians abusing each other, and they overlook the fact Muslims are taking over the world.
Dictators, such as Vladimir Putin the world is still not rid of them, what they do best is divide the people and the World apart, same as terrorist, fanatics, why?, what makes them want to murder and control.
The Minimum wage should never go below the poverty line, but with the high cost of living because of a few greed people it is well below the poverty line. And they suffer because of greedy people pushing for higher wages. If those employed created more turnover and did a fair days work instead of bludging on your fellow Citizens, Australia would be a healthier Country. Employers should be able to sack those who bludgers on their fellow workers, we are breading a BLUDGER SOCIETY. Yes there are a lot of good hard working people propping up the bludgers.
Australia was built on hard working People who built the land, then City people came along and destroyed it. Destroyed a way of life. It is all about City People, I suggest they get out to the Country and see how life should be, City's are made up of Politician's, Bleeding hearts, Slums, Rats, Poverty and Media, Lawyers and other nice people.
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